A.C. Turiyasangitananda's Sacred Writings
“I offer my sincerest obeisances to God for entrusting me with His sacred words of wisdom; and I consider it a blessed honor and privilege to have been allowed to receive this great and wondrous endowment of the Lord’s mercy.”
- A.C. Turiyasangitananda, June 1, 1997
Monument Eternal
Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda has written this abridged documentary on her spiritual life entitled Monument Eternal, which tells of her spiritual initiation, revelations, and austerities.
Swamini shared that, “This book is based upon a soul’s realizations in absolute consciousness and it’s spiritual relationship with the Supreme Lord. The first chapter views some of the spiritual, theoretical aspects of elements, nature, human and other living creatures and how they individually relate to the Supreme Reality. Chapter two and three chronologically tell of the spiritual initiations, revelations, austerities and spiritual experiences. The penance endured was challenging, up-lifting and at times, startling. Chapters four and five reveal more spiritual revelations; a look into several past lifetimes, culminating in some of her most transcendental, blissful associations with the Supreme.”
This is a powerful, moving account of Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda’s spiritual experiences and her unwavering devotion to God.
(Paperback: 53 pages)
Endless Wisdom I (Currently not available)
Swamini has shared, "Endless Wisdom I contains hundreds of selected divine scriptures that have been rendered to me by the Supreme Lord. Book I chapter one entitled Humanity, is divided into six sub-divisional chapters which give authoritative instruction, guidance, and direction. It also covers the spectrum of the human plight and the divine Goal of life. Chapter two, entitled The Inevitable, gives spiritual insight into the purpose, meaning, and karmic reasons for life and death. It also gives an in-depth view on how death affects the lives of all created beings in the universe. Chapter three has two subdivisions which describe some of the spiritual services performed in humanity by servants and Instruments of the Lord. Chapter four, Supreme Certitude, contains immemorial and sacred sayings of the Supreme Lord. Chapter five, entitled Turiya, contains twenty-six verses which were addressed directly to me by the Lord, whereas in preceding chapters the Lord is speaking on various other subjects.”
Endless Wisdom 2
A profound book consisting of spiritual treasures of more than 100 sacred verses given by the Supreme Lord to Swamini AC Turiyasangitananda over a period of one year (1965). These eternal truths teach mankind the correct, spiritual way of life through discipline, purification, spiritual dedication, selfless service, and development of devotion to the Lord.
Further expounded upon, is God’s Law as the silent Keeper of justice and the maintainer of balance on earth and the universes. In addition, a variety of subjects covering the spectrum of human frailty and limitations, up to the highest human, spiritual ideals, the purpose of life, and the divine goals that mankind can attain, are explored.
Divine knowledge is expounded upon in such a transparent way that the spiritual meaning and importance of the scriptures are readily comprehensible. The Lord’s Word on the following is precisely delivered: Meditation and Light, Human Love, Supreme Wisdom, Faith, Hope, Charity, Supreme Intelligence, Spirituality, Laws of Causation, Divine Love, The Supreme Absolute, Turiya, Divine existence, and Transcendental Life, among others. This is truly a divine book for all spiritual truth-seekers.
(Hardcover: 341 pages)
Divine Revelations
“After nearly three decades (1968 thru 1995) of divine revelations communicated directly from Sri Sathya Sai Baba, I received the divine directive to write this book. It contains meditations and spiritual experiences associated with him, concurrent with spiritual guidance and wisdom received directly from Lord Rama, the Avatar of the Treta Yuga. From the recorded compilation, selected entries of spiritual revelations, divine visions, and communications pertaining to the Avatar of this age, and his previous Incarnations have been inscribed.”
Divine Revelations is a comprehensive, chronological account of some of Swamini’s most sacred meditations, communications and experiences associated with the Supreme Lord. It contains trilogies, esoteric wisdom, poetic scriptural verses as well as detailed practical knowledge for the serious spiritual truth-seeker.
What is most magnificent and striking, is the Divine dialogue of the Avatars throughout the book. The most Supreme declarations are given. Furthermore, Swamini’s Love and Devotion for the Lord, as well as humanity, can be felt radiating from every page. This book has no equal. It is most magnificent, divine and sacred.
(Hardcover: 432pages)
Turiya Speaks
"This booklet is a compilation of several discourses from the vast reservoir of divine knowledge that has been dispensed to earth and promulgated through the sampradaya (the guru-pupil system). During the ancient days, great saints and sages proclaimed the magnificent, wondrousness and glory of God, and were continuously teaching in assemblies the scriptural, eternal truths of the Lord, together with rendering accounts of His divine lilas.” --A.C. Turiyasangitananda (Turiya Speaks)
Turiya Speaks offers counsel for those seeking to better understand themselves as spiritual beings having a human experience, and their true purpose in life. Swamini gives universal, spiritual teachings pertaining to the diverse complexities of life on earth, and practical insights on how to overcome perceived obstacles. Discourse topics include: Remake Yourself -Spiritualize Your Life, Recognize God as The Indweller of Your Heart, God is The Seer, Let The Lord Have the Reins, and The Avataric Advent of Bhagawan Sri Krishna.
Her teachings lovingly remind us that we are more than this physical body, we are atman, or divine soul — eternal and undying. A great book to carry with you for on-the-spot upliftment.
(Paperback: 83 pages)
Compilation by Devaki McBride
Initiated Student of
Swamini Turiyasangitananda
For more info on books please contact ABI