Sai Anantam Study Circle
Om Sai Ram Everyone,
Since the formation of The Vedantic Center, Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda would gather Her students on a weekly basis to read spiritual books and discuss the wisdom therein. After Her earthly transition in 2007, we continue this tradition by sharing sacred knowledge with doors open to all spiritual seekers of truth.
Sai Anantam Study Circle
When: Study Circle meets bi-weekly, for 1 hour on Wednesdays at 7 pm PST/ 9 pm CT/ 10 pm ET
Location: Via Conference Call
How to participate: Sign up and Further details will be emailed to you
Class Schedule
Jan-Jun 2024
January 2024
10 Jan - Gopika - Dedicated to Swamini
24 Jan - Vishwarupa- Class
February 2024
07 Feb - Gopika - Class and Prayers for Peace
21 Feb - Vishwarupa- Class
06 March - Gopika - Class and Prayers for Peace
March 2024
20 March - Vishwarupa
April 2024
03 April- Gopika - Class and Prayers for Peace
17 April - Vishwarupa
May 2024
01 May - Vishwarupa (Gopika)- Class and PeacePrayers
15 May - Vishwarupa
29 May - Gopika
June 2024
12 June- Vishwarupa
26 June - Vishwarupa (sub Gopika)
July-Dec 2024
July 2024
10 July - Vishwarupa
24 July- Gopika
August 2024
07 August - Vishwarupa
21 August - Gopika
September 2024
04 September- vishwarupa - Class and Prayers for Peace
18 September - Gopika
October 2024
02 October- Vishwarupa
12 October- DUSSEHRA
16 October- Gopika
30 October- vishwarupa
November 2024
06 November- Gopika- Class and Prayers for Peace
9-10 November- AKHANDA BHAJANS
20 November - Vishwarupa
23 November- BABA’s 99th BIRTHDAY
December 2024
04 December- Gopika- Class and Prayers for Peace
18 December- Vishwarupa- LAST 2024 CLASS
Resume Class & Prayers for Peace Wed Feb 5, 2025
Current Reading
The Holy Geeta, with commentary by Swami Chinmayananda
A beautifully designed e-book by Chinmaya Mission is available and may be downloaded free at this link, scrolling to “#18 North America” and clicking the link for your device. This book can be purchased through: Amazon and is also available on Kindle E Book with the free Kindle app.
Previous Readings:
Endless Wisdom Book 1 Inscribed by A.C. Turiyasangitananda
Endless Wisdom Book 2 Inscribed by A.C. Turiyasangitananda
Divine Revelations Inscribed by A.C. Turiyasangitananda
Portrait of Devotion-The Spiritual Life of Alice Coltrane-Swamini Turiyasangitananda by Shankari Adams
Study Circle Structure
We begin the study circle with 3 Oms, chant an opening bhajan then sit in divine Silence as we await Swamini to "spiritually" arrive, then She is welcomed to class. Participants are offered intervals to read, as well as encouraged to offer their own insightful interpretations of what the passages read may mean to them. Like a round table discussion, valuable understanding can be derived from the shared group discussion from which different facets from the reading come to light.
History and Study Circle Insight
Swamini's ethereal teachings are as relevant today as they were in the late 1970's when She founded and directed The Vedantic Center in Woodland Hills, California. In 1983, the center relocated to Agoura, California under the name Shanti Anantam Ashram. It was renamed in 1994 as Sai Anantam Ashram. Swamini continued classes with vigor and emphasis for students to delve more into their inner awareness in order to become more consciously aware of their divinity within, and recognize their own God-like inner qualities of love, peace, compassion, joy and bliss.
Since 2013, the Sai Anantam Study Circle, or class night, as it is still affectionately called, has brought Her students and others together to read and celebrate Her words, Her life, and Her divine teachings. These fundamental teachings are based on truth, devotion to God, unconditional love, and provide spiritual food to those in need. Swamini also instilled the values of non-violence, peace, truth, right action, and love to all Her students and others who had the opportunity to hear Her speak publicly or at the ashram in Agoura, California, as well as in Her travels throughout the world. This is all a part of Her divine legacy which still continues today and is reflected through Her students, Her family, and admirers of Her spiritual life.
Swamini's mission was to teach all people, regardless of religion or race, about living a glorious life by finding God within through the daily practice of meditating, praying, chanting the Names and Glories of God, and being introspective of their daily thoughts, words, and activities.
Selfless Service to others was, and still is, paramount in Her teachings today.
During the Study Circle, we have the opportunity to share our interpretations, feelings and thoughts with one another as we collectively continue our conscious understanding of these teachings of such a high divine order. We are blessed to know this intuitively, as we sometimes reveal personal spiritual stories that oftentimes bring us to laughter, silence, joy, and tears.
We welcome your participation!
Om Shanti Om,
Brahmachandri Bridges
Initiated Student of Swamini Turiyasangitananda
*The current Sai Anantam study circle facilitator is Vishwarupa, Initiated Student of Swamini Turiyasangitananda.
For further information about the class: please email Vishwarupa at: [email protected]
*Addendum includes the Jaya Guru chant, sung at the beginning of study circle, and two prayers we may use most often in 2023, if you would like to join in, aloud or silently, during their recitation.
May you find it a helpful reference.
Jaya Guru Siva Guru Hari Guru Ram
Jagat Guru Param Guru Sat Guru Shyam
Aadhi Guru Advaita Guru Ananda Guru Om
Chid Guru Chidgana Guru Chinmaya Guru Om
Jaya - victory
Guru - teacher
Siva, Hari, Ram - holy names
Jagat - universe
Param - supreme
Sat - truth of existence
Shyam - holy name of Krishna
Aadhi - the very first
Advaita - non-dual
Ananda - blissful
Chid - consciousness
Chigana - mass of consciousness
Chinmaya - full of consciousness
Om - the Pranava, the sacred sound syllable symbolizing Brahman the Creator, God
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.
Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Work and serve physically. Pray and meditate mentally. Worship and praise the Lord, spiritually. Perform karma yoga ( service) regulatively. Be compassionate sincerely. Expand prem (divine love) and bhakti (devotion)
Excerpt from Divine Revelations Page 72, April 10,1974