Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda
A.C. Turiyasangitananda's Divine Discourses
-The Lord's Message given through His Servitor-
"During the ancient days, great saints and sages proclaimed the magnificent, wondrousness and glory of God, and were continuously teaching in assemblies the scriptural, eternal truths of the Lord, together with rendering accounts of His divine lilas.”
– A.C. Turiyasangitananda (Turiya Speaks, excerpt from Message)
Swamini's Divine Discourse Excerpts:
Om Sai Ram,
There is a teaching that the Lord gave 5,000 years ago (and) 8,000,000,000 years ago. He has taught the science of self-realization to the rishis and holy men of realization. These teachings are for us today.
In the Bhagavad Gita, the Lord is teaching on the battlefield. We live in a battlefield of life, don’t we? There is a constant conflict going on between your mind and your soul. The Lord is saying that humanity has something to do. He has to learn something. He has a mind that can be one thing or the other. This mind can be a friend, yet this same one can also be your enemy. What about when the Lord went on also further to say, “Those who have not surrendered the finite mind unto God will find something out. They will find out that their mind is their worst enemy. They might say, "Oh, it is the system. It is the community, It is the government" and on and on and on.
The Lord said that the finite mind, not surrendered to Me, is your worst enemy. Think about it. How Baba was teaching when He said that from the same mind cruel thoughts come out as well as kind thoughts. Negative reactions in the mind take place as well as positive ones. Unsacred thoughts dwell in the mind as well as sacred ones. Ill thoughts dwell in the mind as well as good thoughts, righteous thoughts. Think about the one mind. There it is containing all of that duality, opposites oscillating, going from one polarity to the next.
The scriptures told us that the Lord said, "Without Me in your life, you have your enemy built in your system already. And you are going to find out that it is your worst enemy, because you have to discipline your mind. You have to control your mind. What about things that you have said out of reaction, that you have done out of reaction that you could not repair? Irreparable things. That is why Baba even taught us, “Be silent, be reticent,” because you can say something that can do extreme damage and it is hard to repair. Take a moment or two to think about how you want to respond to the situation.
When you get rid of ego, Baba said there is no enemy. He said there is no other enemy. Once ahamkara (ego) is removed from the mind you do not have an enemy. I have watched it and you know it. You have seen it. Ego really is the downfall of man. He did not need an ego and God did not intend that he have it.
Aum Shanti, that is the Lord’s message for you today. I pray that all present here will daily introspect, that they will remember to endeavor on the spiritual path regulatively engaging in their sadhana, their prayers and their meditations for the purpose of achieving the truth. And beyond attainment of truth, I pray that everyone here will go forth onward beyond even salvation and liberation. Truth sets you free. Truth brings devotion. Truth brings liberation. But the Lord said, “Do not stop there.” Go forth onward, even beyond self realization—man know thyself, physician heal thyself. Go on even higher upward all the way to the highest fulfillment in life, which is Realization in God.
-Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda (Excerpt from Sunday Service/ Divine Discourse)
Initiated Students, their families, and those who have visited Sai Anantam Ashram during our Sunday Services were given the extraordinary blessing of being in the presence and listening to the divine discourses of a God-Realized servitor of The Lord, Gurudevi Swamini A.C. Turiyasangitananda. As in ancient days, the Lord’s sacred, universal teachings are unchanging, and a testament of His Love for humanity. Swamini taught these truths, as given by The Lord, to all in attendance. She spoke on the blessedness of getting ‘Devotion for God’.
“Through love, all great good is accomplished. The humanity shall surely achieve unity through divine Love. Souls should live in love, and abound in love; for, unto the ones who meditate with Love upon Me, and pray unto Me in a spirit of divine Love, you, for a certainty, captivate My heart” - (from Endless Wisdom II, Ch.4, pg. 251)
Swamini’s discourses offer counsel for those seeking to better understand themselves as spiritual beings having a human experience, and their true purpose in life, which is God-Realization. Through her discourses, universal spiritual teachings are given, pertaining to the diverse complexities of life on earth, and practical insights on how to overcome perceived obstacles. Her teachings lovingly remind us that we are more than this physical body, we are atman, or divine soul— eternal and undying. We are of and from The Supreme Lord.
Devaki McBride
Initiated Student of Swamini
A.C. Turiyasangitananda